Modern day urban China, with electric mopeds.
Elderly man pulling a handcart, like in the old days.
In notes on shopping bags potential partners are recommended at a marriage market in a park.
Nightlife is trendy and modern.
Actrice being prepared for Chinese opera.
A recreational orchestra of elderly people practicing in a park on traditional moon guitars.
Schrimp satay. Food remains one of the mayor past-times.
The Americanization of society, Starbucks.
Vegetable market in a village, in the rain,
Hams hanging to dry.
Stir-frying in the kitchen of a small restaurant.
Religion has made a strong come back.
Rituals at home for family members who have passed away.
Traffic jam, also very modern.
Selfie in front of the panda reservation. Chinese are the kings of selfie.
No more Tai Chi but modern group dances in the park.
Discarded elderly are euphemistically called 'irreplaceable'.
Nice second hand car.
Huge gap between rich and poor.
Mao still popular, and commercialised.