In the foot steps of Willem Barentsz by sailing ship from the north of Norway to Spitsbergen, but now with more luxury, less wild life, and the consequences of man-induced climate change.
Sunset over an isolated settlement in the extreme north of Norway
The desolate extreme north of Norway.
Thick fog blocking a fjord.
Inhospitable mountain landscape.
Beginning the crossing of the Barentsz sea to Spitsbergen.
Hoist the sails.
Sailing under icy conditions.
Storm, such as the Willem Barentsz expedition surely also encountered.
Shadow of the Willem Barentsz expedition members on the ice in front of the Aavatsmart glacier, Spitsbergen.
Wall of ice.
Polar beer, threatened species, and a petrel.
Aavatsmartbreen, melting of glaciers as a result of climate change.
The Esmarkbreen, another glacier rapidly melting due to climate change.
Iceberg like a viking ship.
Bizarre iceberg.
The sailing ship the Antigua behind a large iceberg.
Wind swept landscape.
Cracks in an ice shelf.
Thick ice shelf.
Trappers hut.